Foolproof AI Logo
That's me!

Olof Haglund

FoolproofAI was founded from a growing need in the marketplace. Everyone wants to explore Al, but few know where to begin. You are at the right place at the right time.

We are an international Al consultancy firm focusing mainly on the Swedish and the Indian markets. Our team of experts has multiple years experience helping companies achieve growth through Al. We believe that artificial intelligence will play a big role in our everyday lives, both business and personal, and we want to facilitate evervone incorporating Al into their systems big or small.

Our founder and CEO Olof played poker professionally for 16 years, until a professor designed an Al that could beat the best players in the world consistently. Upon realizing this, Olof dropped out of poker and pivoted to Al, eventually graduating with honors from the Artificial Intelligence Business Consultant program at Hyper Island in Stockholm.